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 Welcome to Millennial Money Diary! I'm glad you're here. I started this blog to document my plan to be more intentional with my money. I've always had an interest in personal finance (it's actually one of the reasons I decided to work in financial services), but never made a plan that I felt really good about AND stuck to. I've always enjoyed reading other people's blogs. So, why not start one of my own? This is my way to stay accountable to my goals. My approach to money as follows: save and spend intentionally.  As did everyone, I went through a lot this past year and a half. I lived through (and continue to live through) a pandemic, changed jobs, moved back home and experienced some major loss. I found myself spending way too much (hello online shopping) and feeling antsy about moving out. I realized if I wanted to move out, I needed to start being more intentional about my money. I've always paid my credit card bill in full and contributed the max to my

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